Evacuee Info
Were Do We Go?
The below information will be updated during a live emergency event.
Evacuation Shelter | Large Animal Shelter | Activated Community Hubs |
Foundations Church - 1380 N Denver Ave, Loveland | The Ranch - 5290 Arena Circle, Loveland | N/A |
Estes Park Events Complex - 1125 Rooftop Way, Estes Park |

Evacuation Order
It is important tofollow evacuation instructions from local authorities during emergency situations. Gather neccessary items and follow designatd evacuation routes to ensure your safety. In emergency events, the evacuation order is typically either voluntary or mandatory.
What is the Difference Between Voluntary & Mandatory Evacuation?
Voluntary Evacuation If:
- You are concerned for your safety.
- You need additional time to exit the area.
- You have health conditions that may be aggravated by the incident
Home & Property owners are allowed into these areas, only if it is safe to do so, with proper credentials or proof or residency/ownership.
Mandatory Evacuation If:
- You are ordered to leave due to an imminent or immediate threat.
- Do not delay leaving to gather belongings or make efforts to protect you, home or business.
Never wait for an alert to evacuate if you feel unsafe!
What do we take?
- Make suer your emergency supply kit is in your vehicle.
- Gather essential items such as clothing, medication, and any other items you may need if away for an extended period of time.
- Include items for each member in your household, adults, children and your pets too!
Up-To-Date Information
- Text LCEVAC to 888777 - Text message updates will be sent as neccessary.
- Stay turned on your local radio station for updates on the situation.
- Follow your local responding agencies on social media.